Sebenarnya Windows Vortex Vista Third Generation 3G ini adalah Windows XP tapi sudah di modifikasi menjadi seperti Windows Vista. Anda tidak perlu memasukan SN lagi, karena sudah Genuine.

Software :
- Windows Media Player 11 with all updates
- Internet Explorer 7 with all updates
- DirectX 9-C (4.09.00000.904) for Windows XP Post-Service Pack 3 update November
- Microsoft Silverlight v2.0.31005
- Flash Player
- Windows Side Bar
- Windows Live Messenger (2009) - (14.0.8050.12012)
- Yahoo Messenger
- Real Alternative 1.90
- DivX, K-Lite Codec Pack 4.5.3 Standard
- WinRAR 3.8 final
- Winamp 5,541
- Ultreiso 9.3.1
System Requirements:
- Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) or faster (600 MHz recommended)
- At least 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM (512 MB is recommended)
- At least 1.5 gigabytes (GB) of available hard disk space
- Keyboard and Microsoft compatible mouse, or some other pointing device
- Video adapter and monitor with Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher resolution
- Sound Card
- Speakers or headphones
Download :
- Download | Windows Vortex Vista 3G part1 - (99 MB)
- Download | Windows Vortex Vista 3G part2 - (99 MB)
- Download | Windows Vortex Vista 3G part3 - (99 MB)
- Download | Windows Vortex Vista 3G part4 - (99 MB)
- Download | Windows Vortex Vista 3G part5 - (99 MB)
- Download | Windows Vortex Vista 3G part6 - (99 MB)
- Download | Windows Vortex Vista 3G part7 - (69.7 MB)
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